Our passion is not something we must find, it is everything that we love
Speak what you really mean and there won't be any question about what you meant
To open to others is to fill the world and ourselves in ways that we had previously missed.
Mysteries are only that when we believe there is something we don't know.
We are filled by our own grace, never that of another
What is an indiscretion but every one else's opinion of what we have done…wrong?
Unconditionality is a state of being not a way of being
Perfection is always present; it is our perception that determines it.
Wisdom isn't based on how much you know...it comes from what you do with it.
Where is your attention? Wherever it is so is your power.
The truth remains until it is defiled by logic then it becomes perceived, or imagined
What is beautiful in the world is a reflection of your heart shining back at you
What was, no longer matters. It is what we do with it that does.
What if the impossible were just a bunch of possibilities entangled?
The worst lies that you tell are those that you tell yourself...and believe!
Godliness isn't something that only other people have
To believe requires evidence. Faith requires nothing.
Even the concern that all is not perfect creates imperfection.
Adversity is all about only having the outcome your way.
The ultimate satisfaction is not needing to be satisfied
Discernment allows for clarification of fact over illusion
To seek with your mind is to attempt to quantify that which is immeasurable
Infinite possibilities await us when we haven't pre-defined our destinies
Value reaches our bank accounts only when we have applied it to ourselves first
Truth to some is what they believe. Real truth is what they know.
Integrity is far more than telling the truth. It is living it.
To belittle is to be little, the child seeking false power
Knowledge, even when tempered by wisdom is still nothing more than an exercise for the mind
You may not give away that which you have not yet owned.
Our logical brains are chronic liars. Only our consciousness knows for sure
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.