Our passion is not something we must find, it is everything that we love
Our perceptions are only as great is our willingness to imagine
Each moment is perfect and does not require comprehension, simply participation.
When we are not diligent now, we are forced to clean up larger messes later
How much depth we experience in life depends entirely upon how deep we are willing to go
Intimidation is someone else's idea of getting you to do the right thing
There are many kinds of flight but first we must be free for lift off
When we "handle" things, we interfere with their natural unfolding
The only limits one has are those which are self imposed.
Wisdom isn't something we learn, it is what we become
The truth remains until it is defiled by logic then it becomes perceived, or imagined
All is perfect in each moment as that moment has come to you for an experience.
The mark of true intelligence is the wisdom that silently guides it
We can only imagine what we can conceive is possible. Everything is.
Eloquence happens when we speak our hearts freely without an agenda
Value reaches our bank accounts only when we have applied it to ourselves first
Our connection to the One is never lost but often ignored
Anticipation without expectations leads to excellence of experience without disappointment
We only perceive about 10% of what is happening around us. Look more closely.
We have only reached balance when our insides and our outsides feel the same
The amount of abundance we have is directly relative to how much we value ourselves
Do we judge excellence by our own values or those of others?
The light of tomorrow's events resides in our expressions of being today.
Our dreams remain dreams until we choose to live them
Love that is unrequited was not likely ours in the first place.
Excellence comes when there is no consideration for anything less
To be satiated we must have first been willing to nourish ourselves
Sometimes when we most doubt ourselves we are the most right
We can express peace as a sentiment or we can embody it as a way of life
Nothing within you ever changes without your participation.
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.