Our most intense feelings are our creation, no one else's
Listen inward for it is there the truth resides
Our creative force is only limited by our hesitation to express ourselves
There are many kinds of flight but first we must be free for lift off
Even the concern that all is not perfect creates imperfection.
Loss leaves room for what is yet to come
The only limits one has are those which are self imposed.
What if we stopped saying what if and started realizing what is?
Recognizing and admitting to dysfunction is 80% of the cure
Shame is other people’s way of keeping you limited
Your passion is what you love, not a goal to achieve
Guilt is never having said you are sorry
No challenge can be a success without effort
Peace only reigns when our inner battles cease
The value of what we hold onto is questionable
The question isn't if we live a long life but if we choose to live it at all
There is nothing new in this world, only variations of truth.
We have only reached balance when our insides and our outsides feel the same
Where is your attention? Wherever it is so is your power.
Adversity is all about only having the outcome your way.
Self deception is destructive to your experience.
Our Spirit is Mighty. Our Enemy is our Fear.
Intimidation is someone else's idea of getting you to do the right thing
Sometimes we need exactly the opposite of what we crave
Elimination of what doesn't fit leaves room in the heart for what does
We are only satisfied when we stop believing we are in need
Our sensitivity is directly relative to how much we are willing to feel
Resonance does not come from resistance
Infinite possibilities await the moment that we conceive them.
Perfection is always present; it is our perception that determines it.
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.