The perception of less than is a killer of human spirit, a cancerous untruth that eats away at the integrity of humanity.
Fear is as if you have leaned into the future or the past looking for reasons why life won’t be as you want it.
If you want a relationship of any depth, you must first be willing to let go of what was so that there is room for what can be
True elegance begins with the miracle of us then propagates with the miracles of our lives. We are beautiful beings.
If you are truly calling in perfection and through your faith allowing it to be so, then there is no question to the outcome
A gentle touch, a hug, a kind word can change not only someone's day, but their entire life. Pass on your heart today!
And if being is living, and living is a state of consciousness, then being consciously alive is simple.
Our greatest resource is that we have an unlimited imagination. Look beyond what you know is possible and believe in the impossible!
Grass is beautiful when it grows upon the earth but when it grows around our feet for too long we can't move. Embrace life today!
Peace requires broader perceptions in order for the infinite possibilities available to override the need to fight.
Anytime we say “I can’t” we have forgotten that we have free will to choose anything and everything
What we choose we have chosen but that doesn't mean we are stuck with it because there are no limits or restrictions...
What is really amazing is that we have the capability to be amazed! With that, life is always new and exciting!
Synchronicities are always with us, but they are only available when we are present enough to notice them
There are no mistakes, only opportunities to become aware, change direction, or learn to depths that we might have previously avoided
One cannot be gentle to others without reserve unless one has first learned to be gentle with one's self
To be indispensible means that no one can do without you. The real question is can you do without them?
You have the power that by changing your experience in this now to change your infinite experience as a being.
We can only give what we have learned to receive; otherwise all we are giving is an illusion of false value to ourselves.
Patience may often be a virtue but sometimes it is an excuse for not acting on something when we could have
If you could change your life from this moment forward to be anything that you desire, what would be different from now?
Answers are filled with questions waiting to be asked. They satisfy the mind but the heart already knows
Sometimes a thought does not need to be expressed but instead let go into the ethers, as its pure form is greater than a thousand words
Inspiration comes from considering new and different possibilities. If we believe we are stuck then we will be.
Stress is caused by our attempts to be what we believe others want when their desires are outside of our truth
Our real power is that we have the option to create from our own free will, of the infinite possibilities that are available to us
Life is not a single note or event that marks your value; it is a continuous melody that weaves the timeless symphony of your soul
What frustrates us is either telling us that what we are pushing against nature or that there is a different path to take
Our Purpose isn’t a singular achievement, in fact, not an achievement at all. It is the totality of every moment that we live and breathe
Who you are is determined through your experiences; how you are is determined by how you choose to interpret them
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.
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