Fear is the cause of failure
Wherever we go there we are
Fear isn't a reality it is a what if
An edited life isn't much fun. Live largely.
Kyrie to all nations
Genuine = Truth to self first
That which you seek also seeks you
There is only ever this now.
The result of Chaos is Magnificence
We can only give away what we have owned
Yes is a magic word (and so is No)
Create more than you use
Passion has many faces but compassion only one
Reason is subjective
Don’t react; Choose
Ease: Not struggling
Passion is love in action
Change forces choice but change is a choice.
Expectation limits outcomes
Whatever is not perfect is not truth
All forms of unconditionality travel with grace
Magic only happens when we let it
What is the truth except what we make it
Joy is a choice
We cannot reason with the irrational
Sense is what is left when the fear subsides
Listen inward for it is there the truth resides
Indecision is the same as no decision at all
Spiritually we don't grow, we remember
How we react to others is no one else’s fault
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.