Cosmic Particles Blog

Jun 16th

Volume 31, Number 1

Weston’s Story

When I left you last, Weston was getting ready for his monthly teleconference. As I typically do before each teleconference, I contacted Carmen to learn what she saw when she went in to help prepare the energetic space. Carmen was very surprised to see the legions of beings that were present for the teleconference. She was told many of them were ancient ones. Weston was very animated the day of the workshop and spent a lot of time in a quiet, meditative state. Typically he likes to spend time outside shooting baskets during the teleconference but this time he wanted to stay in the house. He had a huge smile on his face the entire time and looked very pleased with himself.  

Weston had this to say about the ancestors/ancient ones who were present at this month’s teleconference….

They are present for all of the calls. They just wanted to make themselves know so everyone could take full advantage of the healing energy they were sending our way. They are assisting us in our ascension process. They help with the transition from one level of frequency to another so we will not have any difficulty with the transition. They also are like our cheerleaders. They are proud of all of the hard work and dedication everyone is putting in to their process. They want people to feel and experience their true gratitude for clearing and letting go of all that binds you from your true self.

Finally, I asked Weston what was planned for next month’s teleconference….

Every month will get more intense. We will continue shifting the energetic poles in your bodies. This will allow a flexibility of energy so you can navigate the energy. We will continue to send sound and light to help with expansion and healing.

In the past I have shared with you how much Weston likes to spend time outside sitting with Ed, our neighbor. I have often thought that if it were not for Weston we would most likely not know our neighbors so well and not benefit from their friendship. In Weston’s last message, he spoke about loving your neighbor. I asked him why he enjoyed spending so much time outside and being with his neighbors…

The grounding energy of outside is essential for all of us. Being in nature even though it is only in a cul-de-sac for me is helpful to keep me in a centered space. It helps to keep me in touch with the animals too.

It is about living in community. This is the way everyone should live so they can share food, ideas, and thoughts with each other.  It also helps us to keep tabs on each other to help during the painful times too. Pets help with the interaction with neighbors too.

It is no secret how fond Weston is of Ed. He will even look out our front window (which conveniently is angled in such a way that he has a direct sight to Ed’s house) and make all sorts of rumblings when he sees Ed’s garage door open! So, of course, I had to ask him if there was something more he wanted to share with Ed….

Thanks for being my friend! Most adults would not have the patience or desire to spend time with a younger person. Thanks for being open minded to spending time with me.

Weston, any other comments you want to say to the other neighbors about who you are or what you want them to know?

I am just a young man.

Weston enjoys playing basketball at the home of another neighbor who has a boy a few years younger than Weston. This young man is very good natured and is always very kind and patient with Weston. I asked Weston what he likes about basketball and if he wanted to say something to this young man…

I would like to be on a team. I have one that I am on already but I feel like I am getting ready to be on one here. Do you think I have to wear shoes? Haha. I would like to thank him too for playing with me. People need to not be afraid of people that look and act differently. We bring a new way of looking at things.

I was very surprised to know that Weston was on a basketball team in another dimension! Oh my gosh, that is so funny to me! Of course, I needed to know more about this…

We do everything that everyone does in 3D. We also play many games where we fly and hide in different dimensions. That is my favorite! It is hide and seek that helps us to hone our skills and shifting energy and manipulating the spaces where we are travelling.

Weston, do you have any pets in those other dimensions?

All animals are our pets!! It is important to remember that.

I certainly enjoyed hearing more about Weston’s life in the other dimensions and I hope you did too!

Message from Weston

“Voiced” by Meg Lupin

This is a time of letting go. Moving forward and away from all past traumas or restrictive thinking is essential now. Open your hearts and feel the love. Send love to others often. Think positive and loving thoughts for you are what you are thinking. Your abilities are increasing so be careful what you say and think.

The world needs you now. You are the beginnings of the true nature of the new human. We are here at this time to set things right and allow all men and woman to fully be who they are. Prayer and meditation will help to stabilize your energies. Make time for yourself to heal but also to have fun.  You deserve it!!!

Yours in spirit,
