Cosmic Particles Blog

Oct 20th

Volume 1, Number 2

Weston’s Story

This week you are going to hear from an angel therapist that I met years ago by the name of Chris Marmes. Chris has been a wonderful source of strength for me over the years. I wanted to share details about our first meeting because I think it will give all of you a better understanding of who Weston is.

I went to the Awakenings bookstore in Laguna Hills to hear Doreen Virtue discuss her book, Crystal Children, about six years ago. As part of the seminar Doreen “read” your child from a picture and told you if they were Indigo, Crystal, etc. When I showed her the picture of Weston she hesitated and told me he was a “wise one”. At this time I had been told by a few people that he was intellectually gifted (no one from the school district), and I was anxious to learn more about him and what I could do to help him. She recommended I meet Chris Marmes who she had personally trained as she was no longer seeing clients.

Well, the first thing I remember about meeting Chris for the first time was how beautiful and serene she was. I remember the first thing she said was something like, “Wow, I had heard of these kids before, but I have never met one in person.” I thought that was a little odd, but whatever…  Well, Weston spent the entire session playing with his cars under her chairs and never really interacted with her for any length of time. Her insight, however, was amazing and I was convinced of her authenticity. I remember that he was sitting on her floor watching her and kind of just staring for a few seconds. She told me that when he did that he was “traveling” and it was good he could not drive a car! I thought that was curious, and even told her that some people might mistake his response for mild seizures. She insisted this was not the case (and it was ruled out months later by a neurologist). I liked her. I thought she had an interesting way of looking at Weston-something I had not heard before.

Well, over the years I have come to rely on Chris for her guidance and for allowing me to whine once in a while. For a very long time now I have always asked Weston what therapist, healer, or doctor he needs to see, and have used this method exclusively. Chris is the one who gave me the confidence to trust Weston. Many times Chris has been the one to show me that there really is a purpose in Weston not speaking, not going to a regular school, not wearing shoes, and not being particularly fond of clothes. I admit I have not always liked these lessons and have often started our meetings with “what the hell?” in sheer exasperation over some issue. Chris always told me that Weston would reveal himself (so to speak) in divine time.

Chris always speaks to me about patience. I have to admit that I hate that word sometimes. I have learned that patience has a lot to do with giving up trying to control outcomes and leaving the details to God. This is hard for me, and something I did not like doing some days. In the beginning I was so focused on trying to “fix” Weston that I did not accept him for the perfect being that God created. When I began accepting him just as he was is when I began seeing the miracles that were present almost every day.

Mothers of special needs children worry a lot. We worry if our child will have friends, be successful in school, learn to drive, go to college, be able to live independently, etc. These worries can keep us up at night and when they don’t they are always right there below the surface clouding every day. It is a burden that we only talk about amongst ourselves because who else would understand it?

When I finally learned to accept Weston and not try to change him to conform to what I felt others’ expectations of him were, my life changed and so did his. I feel he was just waiting for me to have the strength of faith to take this walk with him and for me to be confident that all of this is from God and is something to embrace and not fear. When things get really “out there” and my faith and imagination are tested beyond belief, I always remember what my friend Meg Blackburn always says, “enjoy the ride.” 

Messages from Weston

“Voiced” by Chris Marmes

This is a message from Weston, but he asked me to start by telling you about my Dad.  My Dad was recently diagnosed with liver cancer.  It is difficult to type and even more difficult to face.  But like everything else, it holds tremendous gifts that are unfolding each day.  Weston wanted me to share this with you to emphasize his point this week about forgiveness.  Forgiveness of others and forgiveness of self.  I always felt like there was lots of time….time to mend fences, time to get to know my Dad better, time to do a lot of things.  But I realized last week the time for all of these things is now.  My hope is that you can learn from our experience rather than having your own.  Whatever you are putting off, do it now.  What ever you need to say, say it now.

We are moving into a new time.  A time of expansion, love and exploration.  The old ways of holding negative energy are not serving us.  It is important to allow those energies to drop away.  Ask yourself, who do you need to forgive?  Forgiveness is a gift.  A gift you give to yourself.  Whether you are forgiving yourself or another person, you are the one who receives the benefit.  Where there is unforgiveness there is no room for love.  Extend and expand your heart by making room for love.  Focus on love.  There is nothing you or anyone else could have done that cannot be forgiven.  Yes, it may be difficult but allow yourself to let go of things you may have been holding on to.  And keep in mind, sometimes the hardest person to forgive is yourself.

If you are being called by a message or purpose, step forward.  Many of you have ideas and inspirations.  Now is the time to act.  Do not worry that you don’t know what to do.  You will be shown.  Trust and step forward.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel and that light is you.

Introducing Chris 

As our world changes and evolves, many people are living multiple lifetimes within this lifetime.  I am blessed to be one of those people.  I have shifted from being a driven, workaholic, left brained, type A to someone who talks to the angelic realm, works with the quantum field, does energy work and helps people be who they truly are with passion and purpose. 

Sometimes we have to be taken out of balance to understand what it takes to be in balance.  I lived out of balance for over ten years.   As the owner of a sales and marketing company, I worked with a wonderful group of people, and I loved my job. But I never took a vacation, and my husband would have to come to my office at night if we wanted to spend time together.  About fours years into my journey I was offered an opportunity to do marketing for a metaphysician.  To understand what she did, I attended her intuitive development class.  As I started to remember what we already know, I understood more about myself and my childhood.   I understood why my hands would get hot when I was rubbing my grandmother’s shoulders, why sometimes I would know things before they happened and how I was able to manifest what I desired.  (I believe we all have these abilities we just have to be reminded.)  After many years of Energy Transformation training and being a closet healer, I realized it was time for me to move in a new direction.  I became certified as an Angel Therapy Practitioner®. 

The ATP® training was the catalyst for me to sell my company and it was at a Doreen Virtue event six years ago that I met Marilu, Weston’s mother.  When Marilu brought Weston for our first intuitive session, I was delighted to meet one of the children of light. I love working with Weston because he takes me to new places and expands my perceptions.  I feel like I receive as much as I give when we do sessions together.  During the past six years, amazing things have happened as they do when we get out of the way and allow.  Each year my work has evolved to a new level.  Now in addition to doing intuitive work, spiritual counseling and hands-on energy transformation, I work with color, light, crystals, frequency and sound to bring the body, mind, spirit and emotions into balance.   I was also guided to add the Quantum Biofeedback Technology to my practice.  I am honored to have been ‘collected’ to participate in the circle of healers Weston has brought together. Weston and I are currently focusing on working with the Quantum Biofeedback Machine to assist children and their parents in a variety of areas.

The more I do this work, the more I realize we don’t have to look to the heavens for angels.  Many of these special children are beautiful, angelic, light beings right here on earth and I am honored to be working with them.

Chris Marmes

Divine Providence 

By Meg Lupin

Sometimes I don’t know how I am juggling all of things I have to do for my family, work, and myself and all of the things that Weston (lovingly nicknamed “Pushy Pants” by Chris Marmes and heartily endorsed by his mother) wants me to do. Of course, he needs everything done right now. He really sees the urgency in the world to make major changes in the way we think, feel and love each other. We need to dig deep and do a lot of inner work so we can clear the way for all of our new gifts. This makes it easier to go deep inside of ourselves into places that we really don’t want to visit again.

When we decided to move from Washington, DC area to southern California, it was a huge decision. I was born and raised there, and I am not a big risk-taker. All of my friends, family and contacts were in DC. My mentor, Rita Moran Drinkhard, was there too. After a visit here and some amazing events, we knew we should move. When people would ask me why I was moving, I would always say “because there are people there I am supposed to help.” I never really knew why I was saying that. I just knew it was true. It was amazing how the timing was perfect. My oldest was going to be a freshman in high school; the house sold on time; Bruce’s business can be anywhere; and my younger sister, Jody, lives there. The whole move flowed.

Recently, Weston told me that he brought me here. He brought me here not only to help him, but to help create this beautiful vision of helping people truly speak with their hearts, heal from all kinds of pain, and help the less fortunate.

Weston has always sent me lots of people through my children to help with his missions. Most recently, he has sent a school psychologist that is willing to help with our schools, a special education teacher, a hypnotherapist, and an attorney! 

This week Weston and I are starting to teach a workshop entitled “Developing the Healer Within”, for children ages 8- 14. Today’s beautiful children need to know that they all have gifts and challenges. They have come here to change the world. In this workshop, they will learn how to use these gifts to help deal with their challenges. Included in the workshop will be grounding techniques, how to protect yourself energetically, and how energy effects our emotions and self control. Several self-healing techniques will also be taught. All of the classes will help the children learn more about themselves and develop a healthy self-esteem. They will also be instructed on how to handle difficult situations including peer pressure. The children will receive healing at each session. Reiki I certification will also be included. Class will include a certificate and manual.

Soon we will be starting the teen workshop, followed by the adult workshop, and then the practitioner’s workshop which will include nurses and doctors.

Next week I am going to Washington, DC area to complete the Bioenergetic Healing Workshop with Mietek Wirkus, a world-renowned healer.  Weston has some people there for me to meet and I have some new techniques that I need to learn. Weston has requested me to do his first presentation to a group. We are also going to have a children’s workshop. He has hand-picked all of the participants. Of course, his sense of humor about it is amazing. He has put my sister, Anne Marie, in charge of helping him with his missions on the East coast. She has recently realized she can hear him also. She found a wonderful place, a beautiful old house that is used for receptions and parties, right across the street from the National Institute of Health! Of course he has informed me that we need to start working over at NIH too! I can’t wait to see what is going to happen next week!


When Weston's Mom asked me to do a sound healing/toning session with Weston I imagined a 14 year old boy that I was going to see to help him on his journey of healing. I was a little prepared that he would not be like a "normal" teenager because I already experienced some of his energies and how he works through our regular conference calls and that he had called into life to launch his greatest vision for children. I just had not met him in person yet.

The moment I saw Weston, I knew that this session would be a lot different than what I usually experience...

He came in and the first thing he did was get my energy up to a level where I could serve him a lot better. He did this in such a joyful, loving but powerful way that it is hard for me to describe. Just being in his presence you can feel your energy shifting and rising.

Our common healing path is continuing until today and whenever I "work" with Weston I get as much healing through him as he receives through me.

This experience not only repeats itself whenever I see him - but it also lasts. My work as a sound healer has taken a completely new and much higher level ever since I started working with him - or he with me - or we on each other?!

Anytime we get together he has so much valuable information for me, including my work and myself and it comes from a very high consciousness.

I feel very honored and grateful to have him in my life experience. He is a true master, teacher, and healer. But, hey, he is also a wonderful, funny 14-year-old boy who is always up for some big smiles and laughter. I guess when he is not performing high quality healing he is dealing with the same 'stuff' any other teenager is.

So I just drop my question for now of "Who is healing who?" and "Who is teaching who?" Does it matter? I guess not. We are all here to assist each other on our journey, right?!