Cosmic Particles Blog

Aug 8th

Volume 21, Number 1

Weston's Words

Thank you to everyone who participated on the teleconference last week. Carmen, as usual, worked on the grid before the teleconference (though this time she did not need to be reminded) and found it to be even larger than last month. She said that Weston told her that all they needed to do was “infuse it with love.” When she called she told me “those people on the teleconference are in for a real treat as the grid is just so peaceful and beautiful now more than ever before.” How nice…..  According to Meg Lupin she received reports from people on the call that experienced big shifts as a result of their participation.

A special thank you to those who sent in your questions to be answered during the teleconference. There was a question posed to Weston regarding how a person can go about visualizing the grid if they do not have a mental image. Since I am challenged in this area, I was quite interested in hearing what Weston had to say. He gave a good description of one way to imagine the grid is to formulate an image of an area that goes around the circumference of the earth that is infused with love and compassion. These two emotions can be of any color (I immediately thought of red and yellow) and these colors go on forever. Inside of these colors is the grid.

The person then went on to ask (great questions by the way) what could he or she do when they place a person in the grid and they immediately “pop out?” That image got me laughing as I have seen Weston do that many times when meeting new people. His response was very accurate in describing how he behaves at times. He said that what could appear like the person “popping out” of the grid in reality is that the person has gotten what they needed (even if only for a nanosecond) and no longer needs to be there. I am reminded of what I saw this past week when Carmen came over to my house. Weston was home and he was quite happy to see his beloved Aunt Carmen. She was very happy to see him as well as he gave her the sweetest smile when she entered the room. She was so joyful to sense his energy that she leaned in to give him a hug, which he happily obliged her with for about two seconds and then abruptly pushed her away! In the old days I probably would have reprimanded him for “being so rude” and made a mental note to look into a social program to help him respond more appropriately with people. Times have changed and Carmen and I both immediately recognized that was “all he needed” and that the energy exchanged between the two of them during their hug became too much for him after about two seconds.

Well it seems like Weston is busy bringing forward a lot of connections that Meg and I have made over the past few years. As you all know I cannot hear Weston but this does not preclude me from just “knowing” sometimes when a person comes into my life that Weston wants to connect with. It is wonderfully easy when I meet a person who is familiar with Weston but can be quite awkward (for me) when the person is unfamiliar or potentially close-minded about the possibility that a person can speak only telepathically and be perfectly happy.

A year ago I met the most amazing Zumba instructor (please bear with me while I recount another Zumba story…). This person, Lisa, was a former professional cheerleader and her classes were always highly infused and a lot of fun! As soon as I met her I decided she was my favorite instructor and I tried to attend as many of her classes as possible. As I got to know her better I could sense that Weston would really like her. Well, of course he would like her I reasoned to myself, she is beautiful, has an amazing figure, and is somewhat immature (her words) making her a lot of fun! I didn’t think much of the potential connection between her and Weston for a few months but then that sense of knowing there was something more started really entering my thoughts during class. Yes, Weston, without really “hearing” you I knew you were letting me know that you wanted to meet this woman and tell her something. I really had no idea how I was going to bring up “my-mute-son-who-has-a-message-for-you” during Zumba class. I tried to push the thought out of my mind but that only made it worse. I finally relented and decided I would go home and ask Weston if this is what he really wanted or maybe (hopefully) it was just my imagination.

I sat him down the next day in front of the white board and no surprise he forcefully answered all my questions with a definite “yes.” He also said he had a message for her and that he wanted Meg Lupin to voice it for him. I waited after class one day to broach the subject of Weston with her. I decided it would be best to see if she was open-minded and tell her a little bit about him before I go and tell her that he had a message for her. She was polite about the whole idea that a kid could speak to people telepathically but I was not getting a strong sense that she was ready to hear what he had to say. She agreed to look at his website and I was surprised when she approached me regarding Weston the next time I saw her. She had looked at the website and told me she found it all fascinating as she was really interested in “weird stuff like that.” Well, that is one way to look at the situation but I did not sense that she was willing to greet any message that Weston had for her with “open arms.”  When I explained to her that he had a specific message for her I could tell she was not ready to hear it which was okay with me as I always reason that the timing is not right. She was not rude about it and did seem interested but life was busy for her at the time and I knew that I was laying the foundation for a possible future connection.

Last week (a year after my first class with her) I am enjoying her class having never brought up the subject again, when who should show up without me even seeing her enter the gym is Meg Lupin! Meg and I had spoken the previous week about Lisa as we both knew Weston had a message for her that to that point had not been delivered. Meg was musing about possibly joining me for one of her classes. I had no idea that the day before Weston had spoken to Meg about Lisa resulting in Meg making sure she made it to her class the next day (no doubt upon the insistence of Weston!). So a year after first making her acquaintance his message will hopefully be delivered to her and who knows what will transpire from there. I’ll keep you posted…..

Finally, I wanted to remind you about the Healing and Networking Workshop scheduled for next Saturday in Tustin, California. It has been close to six months since we had our last workshop and I know Weston is very excited! The folks at The Sanctuary Bookstore have been kind enough to allow us to use their space. These workshops are always a lot of fun for Don and me because I love watching Weston interact with the crowd. His messages are always funny and amazingly powerful at times. It is not unusual to hear a lot of laughter and see some tears as well. Weston has a message regarding the workshop next week that he asked Meg Lupin to voice for him….

The networking and healing workshop at the Sanctuary is going to bring forth some necessary energies we need right now. There will be many people meeting each other that will have soul recognition. We are bringing together our soul family at this time and that is going to be one of the things we talk about. We are going to be talking about the new schools and a whole new way we can start working on ourselves. We will also be sharing about some individual journeys that people are experiencing right now. I hope you can make it!

Message from Weston

“Voiced” by Meg Lupin

This can seem like a tumultuous time. Global wars, the Gulf spill, government corruption, money issues, and closer to home it might seem like it is harder to get along. Don’t give up. This speeding up of the clearings that are necessary is playing havoc with the human race. Don’t get caught up in the drama. It is necessary for us to recognize these things for what they are. They are a path for us to let go of all that is not necessary for us to carry in our lives anymore.

Make sure you are exercising every day. Do some breath work. When you are feeling overwhelmed, pray and meditate. These feelings will pass as you let go into a life that is filled with faith and love. Try to see things from many perspectives, not just your own. Show compassion for yourself and others. This is the hardest part right now. Let go and let God.

